Boy Scout leader to face child porn charges after feds find photos of nude boys on computer

A Boy Scout leader and chemist who worked for the federal government is facing child pornography charges after federal agents discovered inappropriate content on his work computer, according to court records filed today.
Frank Bertam, a chemist who worked at an Environmental Protection Agency lab in Ann Arbor, used his work computer to access pornography and “boy lover” Web sites, according to an affidavit filed in U.S. District Court in Detroit. One of the Web sites, which caters to men interested in young boys, turned up in a number of FBI investigations targeting pedophiles, records show.
According to the affidavit, two federal agents went to Bertram’s workplace after hours on Oct. 6, created a forensic copy of his work computer, and then returned it to his workspace without his knowledge. They learned Bertram used the screen name “bibiker” to access the websites and posted more than 200 messages on one site, in which he discussed being sexually attracted to young boys, the affidavit said. 
“One of (the) posts indicated that Bertram volunteered at boy’s camps and was excited by the prospect of being able to ‘spend time with out 25 or 30 boys tonight,’“ the affidavit said.
In another blog, Bertram alluded to being a scout leader, the affidavit said. A federal agent contacted the Boy Scouts of America Great Sauk Trail Council, which confirmed Bertram was an assistant scoutmaster.
Agents also found photographs of nude and partially clothed pubescent and pre-pubesecent boys on Bertram’s work computer, the affidavit said.
A search of Bertram’s home also turned up more pornography evidence on computers there, including a video of minor boys engaged in sexual activities, the affidavit said.
During an interview with federal agents, Bertram admitted he used a laptop in his home to view images and movies using LimeWire software, but did not discuss the specifics of the images and videos, the affidavit said. LimeWire is under a court order, dated Oct. 26, to stop distributing its software.
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