Blog - NASA Offers $200m for an Orbiting Gas Station

Refueling technology will allow smaller and cheaper rockets to be used for many missions.

The future of human and robotic exploration will mean trips to deep space destinations like the moon, Mars, or asteroids. But getting there and returning home on one tank of gas while carrying a sizable payload is almost impossible. The solution? In-space refueling technology, which enables spacecrafts to tank up in low Earth orbit.

Last year, the Augustine Commission, a blue-ribbon panel charged with reviewing America's human spaceflight program, emphasized the need for NASA to purse this technology in their final report to the White House. Now NASA has put out a call for a $200 million mission to show how to store and transfer rocket propellants in space.

In-space refueling technology would allow smaller and cheaper rockets to be used for missions that would otherwise be outside their weight class. It will also considerably enhance the capabilities of larger rockets. "Instead of sending the rockets fully fueled to asteroids or to Mars we would launch them partially fueled to get more payload into orbit," Chris Moore, deputy director of advanced capabilities for NASA told "Then we'd top off the propellant by docking with depots in lower Earth orbit."

NASA wants to focus on liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen, the fuels that power the main engines of the space shuttles and commercial rockets. The challenge is finding ways to store and maintain the propellant, which requires extremely cold temperatures. Heat from solar flares or a rocket engine's exhaust could evaporate the fuel or cause the tanks to expand and even explode. So any demonstration must also successfully transfer the fuel to a docked spacecraft in a zero-gravity environment.

The technology could also provide a boost to the commercial space industry. NASA could purchase fuel in orbit from commercial companies which would operate refueling tankers or possibly even permanent depots. "We could create a small space economy in propellants and refueling," Moore said.

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Preventing Customers from Getting Stressed Out

 Stressful shopping: Readouts from the Q Sensor show a customer’s skin conductance in green; the peaks indicate higher levels of physiological arousal, which often indicate stress. (More information on next page.)
Credit: Shopper Sciences

Measuring people's physical reactions helps companies improve the user experience.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011By Kristina Grifantini

The restaurant chain Boston Market had a problem: it couldn't figure out why people weren't returning even though they said they liked the food. When customers were surveyed, they themselves couldn't articulate why they didn't come back.

Then Boston Market hired Shopper Sciences, a consulting company that tried to answer the question a different way. In addition to asking dozens of customers for their opinions, it also asked them to wear a portable stress sensor while they ate. The wrist sensors, which are made by a startup called Affectiva, detect galvanic skin response—how conductive, or "clammy," the skin is. This measurement usually correlates with levels of physiological arousal, either positive excitement or negative stress.

Shopper Sciences found that diners were stressed out by eating at Boston Market. "The old Boston Market served food out of metal trays, and you were expected to eat chicken with a plastic fork," says John Ross, CEO of Shopper Sciences. "The collective gestalt was terrible." Ross says the findings helped inspire a redesign at the chain, which now offers food on real plates, with metal knives, forks, and spoons. "It's the same food quality and price point," he says, "but now it's being delivered in a new way."

With the availability of smaller, cheaper, and more powerful sensors, businesses are finding new opportunities to collect data on how their customers feel about them. Researchers have long used galvanic skin response to glean insight into people's emotions, but gathering this data required volunteers to sit still with wires strapped to their fingers or palms. Affectiva's device, called the Q Sensor, measures galvanic skin response many times per second while a subject goes about normal activities. The sensor also measures the wearer's movements and temperature. Later the device can be plugged into a computer so the information can be analyzed.

"At the highest level, emotions drive decisions," says Dave Berman, the CEO of Affectiva. "A lot of times people think they know what they feel but can't articulate it, or aren't even aware of it. We provide tools that help people better understand how their customers are feeling."

Disney is evaluating the Q Sensor and other companies' products as tools for measuring viewers' reactions to TV shows, particularly on ABC and ESPN, says Duane Varan, the chief research officer at Disney's media and advertising lab. "It's a very powerful set of measures," Varan says. However, he cautions that data from these physiological sensors could easily be misread: a high degree of arousal could mean someone liked a scene rather than having been annoyed by it.

To address such potential misreadings, Affectiva has released a facial recognition program to accompany the Q Sensor; the software can make use of video observations to help determine whether a person is reacting positively or negatively.

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A Touch Screen that Plays Sticky

 Rough ride: The T-PaD display generates a tactile sensation as a user operates a virtual scroll bar.
Credit: ACM

"Programmable friction" provides a new kind of feedback.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011By Kurt Kleiner

An experimental touch screen that uses variable friction to make different areas feel sticky or rough could point the way to a new paradigm in interfaces.

The touch screen uses high-frequency vibrations to create a thin layer of air between the glass and the user's finger. The finger slips easily over the layer of air but catches slightly on the glass when the vibrations are turned off. Varying the vibrations as the user's finger moves can cause different parts of the screen to feel slick or sticky.

"It adds a feeling of realism," says Vincent Lévesque, a computer scientist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. "It's more physical. It feels like there are real buttons that actually exist." Lévesque and colleagues demonstrated a prototype of the device at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Vancouver this week.

The screen is one of a number of new devices that offer complex tactile feedback. Some mobile phones on the market, for example, use vibrations to generate a click or some other tactile signal. But the new device, called a tactile pattern display (T-PaD), is meant to do more than just buzz or click, says Ed Colgate, a mechanical engineer at Northwestern University whose team developed the touch screen.

"We're not just about giving signals," he says. "We're about giving physical sensations like the experience you have when you interact with the real world."

The T-PaD uses piezoelectric discs positioned against a glass plate. When a current is run through the discs, they vibrate at 26 kilohertz and transmit the vibrations to the glass. Lasers track the motion of a user's finger and vary the vibrations accordingly.

For instance, when a finger runs across a button, the vibrations will slow or stop, giving the impression that that part of the screen is sticky. If you drag a file into a folder, you'll feel the screen get sticky as your finger hits the target. Turning a wheel or moving a scroll bar on the screen, you'll feel your finger move over tactile "tick marks." Turning the vibrations on and off very quickly—for instance, every time a finger moves a millimeter across the screen—can make part of the screen feel rough, as if it is covered with a grating.

In a paper presented at the ACM conference, Lévesque and colleagues showed that the tactile feedback allowed people to complete tasks slightly more quickly. The users also generally liked the touch screen, although some complained that their fingers became tired after using it for a while.

"It's actually quite magic when you touch it. It's really neat," says Vincent Hayward, a mechanical engineer at Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, who is familiar with the device. However, he warns that the approach has problems—the prototype is bulky and uses a lot of power. It also provides feedback only while a finger is moving. Tapping on the screen doesn't produce any special sensation. He says that he expects the tactile displays to eventually make their way into consumer electronics. "There's a lot of engineering to be done," admits Colgate. "But it is by no means theoretically impossible."

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Apple and Google Defend Their Handling of Data

 Where I’m calling from: Apple and Google have been under scrutiny recently for their handling of smart phone users’ location data—the map above came from data stored on one Technology Review editor’s iPhone.
Credit: Technology Review

Congressional testimony centers around what "location" really means, and who's responsible for how apps behave.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011By Erica Naone

Apple and Google are scrambling to regain trust after revelations about the way smart phones and tablets handle users' location data. In a U.S. Senate subcommittee hearing held today, representatives from Apple and Google stressed that their companies had streamlined and clarified their handling of location-based data. But a key unanswered question is how they'll let third-party app providers share that information.

The problem is that users enjoy location-based services, but most don't understand what happens to the data they share in exchange for using those services. Senators wondered if location data was being stored securely enough to protect users. They pointed to the lack of privacy policies for many mobile apps, and noted that even when users are aware of what happens to their data, they may find it difficult to control.

For example, until Apple's update to iOS last week, someone who opted out of location services wasn't actually turning off all of his device's location-based sharing. Apple said the problem was due to a bug that has since been corrected.

Guy "Bud" Tribble, vice president of software technology for Apple, testified that "Apple does not track customers' locations. Apple has never done so and has no plans to do so."

Tribble said that the location information found on phones represented a portion of a crowd-sourced database that Apple maintains in order to process location information more rapidly than is possible through GPS alone. The company stores the locations of cell towers and Wi-Fi hot spots collected from millions of devices. User devices note which towers and hot spots they can connect to, and use that to quickly deduce location. He said that the information stored on iPhones was never a user's location.

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Google Wants to Control Your Home

 Domestic helper: Joe Britt introduces "Tungsten" devices at I/O in San Francisco (above, top). The prototype “Tungsten” device (bottom) enables an Android phone to control home appliances.
Credit: Google (top); Technology Review (bottom)

The company's mobile operating system can now control everything from lighting to gym equipment.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011By Tom Simonite

Google's Android operating system may have been created for phones and refined for tablets, but the OS is set to move beyond the bounds of mobile devices.

Today, Google announced a new class of Android devices for the home during the opening keynote at its annual I/O developer's conference in San Francisco. These devices—dubbed "Tungstens"—act as an intermediary between an Android phone or tablet and a suitably enabled home appliance. They would allow users to remotely control everything from lighting to refrigerators.

The company demonstrated how a Tungsten could make playing a game on an Android tablet more immersive: explosions and gunfire set the special lights in the room flickering with every blast. New software that makes it easier for Android devices and their apps to interface with other devices and objects, including home automation equipment, was also demonstrated.

"We'd like to think of Android as the operating system for your home," said Joe Britt, who is leading the Android@Home project. "We're extending the Android OS to include new services that allow Android devices to discover, connect, and communicate with devices in the home."

Britt showed off two conceptual Tungsten devices to illustrate Google's vision for Android and its apps taking control of the home. One took the form of a six-inch-square box with lights along its edges, and the other was a white sphere roughly the same size. "A Tungsten device runs the Android OS and the Android@Home framework," said Britt. "It's always on, and always connected to the cloud."

Britt called these two Tungsten devices "reference hardware," a term used to describe prototypes intended to inspire other companies to design their own more refined devices. Because Android is open-source software, Google will make available all the hardware specifications needed for others to build their own Tungsten devices.

Tungsten devices use Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet and other devices, as well as a new, low-power wireless standard of Google's own invention to link with other devices. The gaming demo involved Tungsten-controlled LED lightbulbs made by the company LightingScience, which had the Google wireless standard built in. Britt also hinted that accessories would be released to enable existing devices to come under the control of Android@Home.

During the demo, a Tungsten device with a built-in RFID reader was used to interact with CD cases with RFID tags. When a CD case was touched to the Tungsten prototype, a chime sounded. "That means the entire CD has been added to my library," said Britt. A second tap of the CD caused the device to play the album, streaming the music from Google's new cloud music locker.

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New 'Call of Duty' game coming

The "Call of Duty" games draw a massive audience. Activision Blizzard is looking for ways to better connect them all.Activision Blizzard plans to release a new "Call of Duty" game this year
It will include a new social-network platform that's been in the works for two years
"Call of Duty" is one of Activision's two "significant investments"

(CNN) -- Activision Blizzard is set to launch a new "Call of Duty" game for consoles alongside an ambitious digital platform later this year, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg said on the company's earnings call Monday.

Executives have expressed an especially keen excitement about the new platform features.

They named "Call of Duty" as one of the two "significant investments" that Activision is making, which will include the company's largest marketing campaign, Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick said on the call. (The other investment is in PC developer Blizzard, which is working on "Diablo III" and a new massively multiplayer online game franchise unrelated to "World of Warcraft.")

"This year's 'Call of Duty' initiatives will result in the best 'Call of Duty' experiences we have created to date," Kotick said. In addition to paid features integrated into the platform, "You will see a lot of new services and capabilities that will be provided free of charge to all of our customers," he said.

The "Call of Duty" online service has been in development for two years under the name Project Beachhead, Hirshberg said. The company created a separate group, also called Beachhead, to focus full attention on the project, Kotick has said previously.

Activision will begin briefing reporters in San Francisco later this week about the project under nondisclosure agreements. The company plans to make a formal announcement in the next several weeks, Kotick said. Still more details are expected in June for the Electronic Entertainment Expo.

That a new entry in the "Call of Duty" series will be released this year isn't a bombshell. Activision has introduced a new game in that franchise each year since 2005. The most recent, "Call of Duty: Black Ops," was the top-selling game in the United States and Europe over the last three months.

"Black Ops" still draws fervent crowds for its multiplayer features and continues to sell well.

But that experience has been hampered by Sony Computer Entertainment's shutdown of the PlayStation Network, with the online gaming service approaching three weeks of downtime this week. Activision intends to release a download package for "Black Ops" in the next three months. "Hopefully the situation will be resolved by then," Hirshberg said.

Cliff Bleszinski, the design director for Epic Games, which makes another popular shooting franchise called "Gears of War," said he has doubts about "Call of Duty's" viability. "'Call of Duty' is doing well right now, but if I was one of the owners of that property, I'd be concerned about potential fatigue," he said in a recent interview.

This year's new installment may be called "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" and debut in November, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times. "The game has exceeded every internal milestone," Hirshberg said on Monday's call.

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Google branches into music, movie streaming

Google Product Management Director Hugo Barra announced a variety of new services Tuesday.Google launched music and movie-rental streaming services on Tuesday
Music Beta lets users upload music to Google's servers, similar to Amazon's Cloud Drive
Movie prices start at $1.99, but many popular film rentals will retail for $3.99

San Francisco (CNN) -- With new music, movies and accessory services for Android, Google is taking on Apple in three major areas.

The assault came Tuesday at Google I/O, the company's annual conference, where Product Management Director Hugo Barra announced a variety of new services.

For starters, Google launched music and movie-rental streaming services.

Music Beta lets users upload their music to Google's servers, similar to's recently launched Cloud Drive, and migrate their playlists and data from iTunes. The music player can be accessed from a Web browser as well as from an Android phone or tablet.

Users can add up to 20,000 songs for free, but Paul Joyce, a Google product manager, suggested that the company could charge after the test period. To gain access to Music Beta, people will need to live in the United States and receive a formal invitation from someone who attended the conference or has already gotten one.

The movie rentals will also synchronize between gadgets. Movie prices in the online Android Market start at $1.99, but many popular film rentals retail for $3.99 on the Web store. A movie can be viewed for 24 hours once the user first starts watching.

YouTube, which is owned by Google, also launched a rental store Monday that interfaces with this new marketplace.

The new services will run on multiple Android tablets and smartphones, emphasizing an area where Google has eroded Apple's lead in the past few years. Handsets running Android software have surpassed the iPhone to become the top-selling smartphones worldwide. Google says 100 million Android devices have been activated, at a rate of 400,000 per day.

And Google executives do not shy away from highlighting competition with Apple. Vic Gundotra, a Google executive, introduced Tuesday's keynote presentation by standing in front of a cartoon of the Android mascot eating an apple.

"We were just having a little bit of fun," Gundotra said in a question-and-answer session afterward. "We try not to take ourselves too seriously. We're all doing really amazing work, and I think each team inspires the other."

With Tuesday's news, Google is focusing on areas where Apple has excelled, like digital movies and music. But Apple, with its proprietary accessory connector, has grown a large ecosystem of hardware that works seamlessly with many iPhones, iPods and iPads.

To combat that, Google is trying to standardize how peripherals connect to Android devices. Unlike for Apple's partners, making an Android accessory is free -- as is Android itself for developers to tinker with and use.

"The program is completely open," Barra said during the presentation. "There are no NDAs (non-disclosure agreements). There are no fees. There is no approval process."

The company also took a step outside Apple's area of expertise. Google is planning to adopt the concept of home automation. A system called Android @ Home would allow people to control their lights, speaker systems and thermostats via apps on their phones.

"We'd like to think of your entire home as an accessory," said Google's Joe Britt. "Android is the operating system for your home."

Google is partnering with Lighting Science, which will sell bulbs that can interface with the platform by the end of the year, Britt said.

Britt demonstrated some concepts on stage but stressed that they weren't necessarily products that Google is actively developing. For example, the system could facilitate an alarm clock that slowly raises the lights and turns on music in the bedroom.

"We don't think that we're going to come up with, necessarily, what the killer applications are," Britt added. "Really, we're counting on the imagination of the developer ecosystem to figure out the best way to take advantage of it."

Google also previewed the next version of its Android operating system, called Ice Cream Sandwich. It will incorporate many features of its Honeycomb-powered tablets into phones.

Google says it has also started rolling out an update to tablet software, starting with the Motorola Xoom from Verizon Wireless. That software will also be made available to Google TV owners, along with Android apps that can run on a television set.

Addressing another complaint frequently lobbed at Android, Google has established a committee, including cellular carriers and hardware makers, that will determine how often gadgets should receive software upgrades. As a result, new Android devices will get software updates within 18 months if new software exists and "if the hardware allows," meaning bargain-basement phones may not qualify.

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Andre Ethier singles in first at-bat to extend hitting streak to 30 games

Broadway just another stop for Ethier as he extends hitting streak to 30 games | Dodgers Blog | Los Angeles Times Subscribe/Manage Account Place Ad LAT Store Jobs Cars Real Estate Rentals Classifieds Custom Publishing Sports HOME LOCAL L.A. Now Politics Crime Education O.C. Westside Neighborhoods Environment Obituaries Findlocal U.S. Politics Now Top of the Ticket Science & Environment Obituaries Religion WORLD Afghanistan & Pakistan Africa Asia Europe Iran Iraq Latin America Mexico Under Siege Middle East Business Money & Co. Technology Personal Finance Small Business Company Town Jobs Real Estate Autos SPORTS Lakers Clippers Dodgers Angels USC UCLA Kings Ducks Soccer High Schools Bleacher Report ENTERTAINMENT Movies Television Music Celebrity Arts & Culture Company Town Calendar The Envelope Findlocal Health Booster Shots Fitness & Nutrition Medicine Behavior Healthcare Reform Hospitals Living Home Food Image Books Findlocal Brand X Magazine Your Scene Cars Travel California Hawaii Mexico Las Vegas Europe Travel & Deal Blog Destinations Opinion Editorials Op-Ed Letters Opinion L.A. Shop Go: Travel Eat: Food Wear: Apparel Live: Everyday Needs Play: Electronics Save: Offers Find More Mobile Site Subscribe / Manage Account Print Ads Place an Ad LAT Store Jobs Cars Real Estate Rentals More Classifieds Weekly Ad#inTheNews {min-height:20px;} Advanced Search Advanced Search X include all of these words: include any of these words: include this exact phrase: exclude: Select a date range this week past 30 days past 3 months past year Create a custom date range From: To: Dodgers BlogSteve Dilbeck and The Times’ Dodgers reporters
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Broadway just another stop for Ethier as he extends hitting streak to 30 gamesComments (0) May 6, 2011 |  4:36pm

Andre-ethier_250 Guess the pressure of big, bad New York won’t be getting to Andre Ethier.

The Dodgers left fielder wasted no time in keeping his career-high hitting streak alive Friday night, lining a single in his first at-bat.

The hit gave Ethier a 30-game hitting streak, leaving him alone for second on the Dodgers’ all-time list and just one behind Willie Davis.

Davis set the franchise record with a 31-game hitting streak in 1969.

Ethier had not played in two days. He had taken Wednesday off because of a sore elbow and the Dodgers had an off day Thursday to travel to New York.

The layoff clearly did not negatively affect Ethier. He got ahead in the count 3-0 in the first inning against Mets left-hander Jonathon Niese and was allowed to swing.

Ethier, who had never faced Niese, laced a clean single to center.

He had been tied for second on the club list with Zack Wheat, who had a 29-game streak in 1916.

-- Steve Dilbeck

Photo: Dodgers right fielder Andre Ethier waiting to bat against the Cubs earlier this week in Chicago. Credit: Jeff Gross / Getty Images

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In Case You Missed It...Recent CommentsOn: Frank McCourt and the disaster that is Steve SoboroffSteve is still at it!!! Honestly I hope this goes on a while. Getting better by the day!  ...-- L.MOn: Frank McCourt and the disaster that is Steve SoboroffIts hard to imagine what McCourt was thinking here; maybe a local guy who knows the community or some such. Perhaps he sensed in Soboroff a bird of a  ...-- Rob McMillinOn: Frank McCourt and the disaster that is Steve SoboroffThe official Mr. Smithers of Fort McCrank has been a Godsend. He will need a chapter all his own in the forthcoming book LeveragedBall. ...-- DonInOregon
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Lamar Odom says he will start in Game 3 against Dallas

Lamar Odom says he will start in Game 3 against Dallas | Lakers Blog | Los Angeles Times body{background-color:#ffffff !important;}ul#root li.navLink a {padding-top:17px; padding-right:4px; padding-bottom:16px; padding-left: 5px;} Subscribe/Manage Account Place Ad LAT Store Jobs Cars Real Estate Rentals Classifieds Custom Publishing Sports HOME LOCAL L.A. Now Politics Crime Education O.C. Westside Neighborhoods Environment Obituaries Findlocal U.S. Politics Now Top of the Ticket Science & Environment Obituaries WORLD Afghanistan & Pakistan Africa Asia Europe Iran Iraq Latin America Middle East Business Money & Co. Technology Personal Finance Small Business Company Town Jobs Real Estate Autos SPORTS Lakers Clippers Dodgers Angels USC UCLA Kings Ducks Soccer High Schools Bleacher Report ENTERTAINMENT Movies Television Music Celebrity Arts & Culture Company Town Calendar The Envelope Findlocal Health Booster Shots Fitness & Nutrition Medicine Behavior Healthcare Reform Hospitals Living Home Food Image Autos Books Findlocal Brand X Magazine Your Scene Travel California Hawaii Mexico Las Vegas Europe Travel & Deal Blog Destinations Opinion Editorials Op-Ed Letters Opinion L.A. Shop Go: Travel Eat: Food Wear: Apparel Live: Everyday Needs Play: Electronics Save: Offers Find More Mobile Site Subscribe/Manage Account Print Ads Place an Ad LAT Store Jobs Cars Real Estate Rentals More Classifieds Weekly Ad#inTheNews {min-height:20px;} Advanced Search Advanced Search X include all of these words: include any of these words: include this exact phrase: exclude: Select a date range this week past 30 days past 3 months past year Create a custom date range From: To: Lakers BlogRound-the-Clock Purple and Gold « Previous Post |Lakers Blog Home| Next Post »

Lamar Odom says he will start in Game 3 against DallasComments (45) May 6, 2011 | 12:10pm

Photo: Lamar Odom #7 of the Los Angeles Lakers goes up for a rebound in the first half while taking on the Dallas Mavericks in Game 1 of the Western Conference Semifinals at Staples Center on May 2, 2011. Credit: Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images Lakers Coach Phil Jackson was coy at the team's shoot-around Friday about who would start at small forward in place of suspended Ron Artest for Game 3 of the playoffs against the Mavericks in Dallas.

But Lamar Odom, who practiced with the Lakers starting unit Thursday and at shoot-around Friday, said: "As far as I know I am [starting]."

Artest was suspended for one game by the NBA for his flagrant foul on Mavericks guard Jose Barea in Game 2 Wednesday.

Before shoot-around, the Lakers issued some game notes saying that Shannon Brown would start Friday, but Jackson merely said the league mandates the team release some pregame information.

The Mavericks won the first two games of the playoff series at Staples Center. Tipoff Friday is 6:30 p.m. PDT.

-- Broderick Turner in Dallas

Photo: Lamar Odom #7 of the Los Angeles Lakers goes up for a rebound in the first half while taking on the Dallas Mavericks in Game 1 of the Western Conference Semifinals at Staples Center on May 2, 2011. Credit: Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images

Twitter: @latmedinaFacebook: latimesMore in: Dallas Mavericks, Lamar Odom
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What do we play for? RINGS!!!

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Posted by:Jon K. |May 06, 2011 at 12:30 PM

"The only question remaining is 'Who will face the mighty Heat?

Posted by: Angelo Faker | May 06, 2011 at 05:47 AM
the hawks or the Bulls
isn't that very clear?

by the way, the HEAT needs 4 victories over the celtics. they have ONLY 2!

hold your horses!"

Posted by: archived | May 06, 2011 at 05:59 AM

No problem. The Heat are the clear class of the East.
They'll be there. It would take a complete idiot to bet against them.
Everyone knows it, but what I was really wondering is whether it will be
the Thunder or the Mavericks.


"Angelo fakers is a miami cheats fans and gay lover of Lebron...hahahahahaha

Posted by: Adrian Palomar | May 06, 2011 at 06:21 AM"

Some people get kicked off of the board for making personal attacks and saying a whole lot less.
I guess it pays to be a Laker fan.

Angelo Faker

Posted by: Angelo Faker | May 06, 2011 at 11:16 AM

Posted by:Angelo Faker |May 06, 2011 at 12:35 PM

Thank Deity for LO starting. Shannon has zero lateral movement on D.

And, Mark, the easiest way to tell what might happen is to find out who spent most (or all) of the practice with the first unit. Bresnahan reported that it was Lamar.

Posted by:Slappy |May 06, 2011 at 12:36 PM

"The only question remaining is 'Who will face the mighty Heat?

Posted by: Angelo Faker | May 06, 2011 at 05:47 AM

based on your previous post, you sound like a "gay lover of Kobe...hahahahaha"

Posted by: archived | May 06, 2011 at 06:26 AM"

I'm surprised that attacks against Islam and sexual orientation are allowed
by the Los Angeles newspaper. Some posters are even allowed to make personal attacks against individuals.

I guess it pays to be a Faker fan.
Maybe the days of moderation for this person are numbered.

Dallas in four. Get out the dust bin.

Angelo Faker

Posted by: Angelo Faker | May 06, 2011 at 11:29 AM

Posted by:Angelo Faker |May 06, 2011 at 12:36 PM

Interesting! I think alot of people have been talking about a lineup featuring Gasol, Bynum, and LO for a couple of years now, so now we have it. Hope it works! Let's go Lakers!

Posted by:Bummi |May 06, 2011 at 12:40 PM

The Triple Towers! Well, if they try to match us on size, put out more size. The Mavs come close to neutralizing our size advantage with only two 7-footers. Let's see how they handle three.

12 to 3peat

Posted by:LakersFanInExile |May 06, 2011 at 12:41 PM

This should be interesting. That sure does weaken an already weak bench.
I suspect we will always have starters on the floor tonight subbing in a bench player or 2 for short minutes.
If we see a line up of Blake, Barnes, Brown and Luke + 1 starter and aren't up by 20 points I think I will be convinced Phil wants to get to Montana ASAP.

Posted by:Art |May 06, 2011 at 12:42 PM

yay LO is starting for Artest!

good choice rather than Walton or Shannon!
Im sure with 3 bigs on the floor, plus the black mamba we shouldnt have any problems, except maybe guarding Dirk on his wierd shots!

Posted by:LALakerz213 |May 06, 2011 at 12:44 PM

In related news, it appears Phil is actually making some real coaching moves in this series. Let's see how the triple towers work against the Mavs. If Carlisle goes with Barea and Terry, they might hurt us, but that would require shaking up the starting lineup and benching Kidd.

I believe in Laker miracles.

12 to 3peat.

Posted by:LakersFanInExile |May 06, 2011 at 12:44 PM

Our bench better step up tonight, big time.

This jacking up threes from the outside crap has to end NOW!

What do we play for? RINGS!!!

Lakers Today... Lakers Tomorrow... Lakers Forever.


Posted by:Jon K. |May 06, 2011 at 12:45 PM

Man I know we were not getting much from the bench before, but LO Starting? That pretty much means our main boys are going all out 40 minutes plus....

Which I wish would have been done in game 1, no more cutting minutes
Kobe - 40+
Odom - 40+
Bynum 40+
Gasol (If he is finally over his lady friend) 40+

Posted by:hiphopcop |May 06, 2011 at 12:45 PM

are we still on modoration??

Posted by:LALakerz213 |May 06, 2011 at 12:48 PM

I'm scared for Blake tonight.

Posted by:Magia32 |May 06, 2011 at 12:51 PM

Why lie, we need help from the refs tonight. Our defense is only as good as the refs say it is.

Posted by:Magia32 |May 06, 2011 at 12:52 PM

wait so who read the Article about Gasol having to part ways with his EX because someone on the lakers were messing with the girl? i tought Delanto West is in Boston not LA. Someone said this on the previous thread but tought to mention it anyway. Im guessing its Tray John. lol or maybe even Character... its funny tho how a girl can break a mans heart and leave him desperate in time of love. such as now in the playoffs down 2 games, we need the Gasol back, cmon bro once you win this years championship think about how much that would rub in your ex girlfriends face, because you would be the 3 time champion, while shes probably dating a looser! so come on Gasol show her and make her regeret what happend! whats done is done! now put on your game face and lets get this Dalls crowd silent just like the Staples Center!!!

GO Lakers!!
Lakers in 6!!!
I hate this moderation

Posted by:LALakerz213 |May 06, 2011 at 12:54 PM

We could really use Mark "Mad Dog" Madsen right now. He would solely serve as motivation for the Lakers to win a championship so he can debut some of his soul train dance swagger.

Posted by:Jell-O is Jiggling |May 06, 2011 at 12:57 PM

Is this a desperation move by the Lakers?

I don't think so, not at all. This can create some very good and favorable match ups for the Lakers on both ends of the floor.

My worry? This could also weaken our transition defense and 3 pt shooting.

Fascinating start. But still look to see some heavy dose of LO, Barnes, and Kobe to carry the slack for Ron Ron.

Fatty - Who can't wait to see the look on Cuban's face when his boys go down tonight.

Posted by:Fatty |May 06, 2011 at 12:58 PM

Dirk is unstoppable! !!!!! Its hard to guard the mavs when your 7 footer is on the perimeter. I love Kobe as a player but he's the only player the Lakers have that can score, and if the majority of kobes shots are from 18ft its going to be a long night for the Lakers.

Posted by:paul |May 06, 2011 at 01:00 PM

@ Magia32 - If Blake plays then its going to come down 2 simple facts:

1. He is going to have breakout game, 5+ assists, 6+ points, and some 2.5+ rebounds. He will be a pain either on Jason Terry or Baretta lol instead of bowing and being ashamed he will come out and dominate the PG position from the begging of the game to the end of the buzzer!


2. He will carry over from the last game. He probably has it pictured in his head on how he messed up and will continue to do sloppy defense on the other PG, will throw away passes, and wont even be able to make a shot to save his life. He will forever go down, as the lakers worst PG of all time.

I personally, go for option #1, cuz i feel like he has to prove to us why we signed that big contract for him since he dropped a triple double on us last time he wasnt in Laker uniform. So I hope he really steps up, with Ron down we need a consitant bench to be able to compete! so get out there Blake and show this Laker Nation what you can do to help us with this 3peat!!!

Go Lakers!
Lakers in 6!!!

Posted by:LALakerz213 |May 06, 2011 at 01:02 PM

Huh.......just had a post mysteriously removed after it was already posted. No cursing, personal attacks, or racist/homophobic filth. I guess if you don't bow and kiss the almighty purple & gold hand, your post will be promptly removed. Nice work L.A. Times.

Posted by: Carlos | May 06, 2011 at 12:24 PM

I noticed that too. This was once a great sports blog where good back and forth could always be found. This included challenging comments from fans of rival teams. Now, it has become a "private" chat room which caters to a bunch of old lawyers who themselves have been allowed to determine what is appropriate to post.

The moderator reminds me of one of those security guards in Cairo...
Give him a whistle, and simply because he has it, he thinks he has to blow it.

If this is going to be a private board, then applicants for membership should
be required to take the Faker oath of allegiance and witness before Kobe.
Maybe some kind of blood rite. Does the big boss even know what's been happening here?

Oh...just so we are clear about something.
The Fakers are toast.

Angelo Faker

Posted by:Sonnybelfast |May 06, 2011 at 01:07 PM

Ok, so is time for Gasol to step it up!!! Why is he being so soft? I mean, we know he's soft, but he went even softer at the start of the playoffs...we don't care if he's having personal problems, he gets paid to perform and perform he must!

Go Lakers!!!

Posted by:The Z man! |May 06, 2011 at 01:08 PM

yeah...still around.

Peeking in at leisure.

Posted by:Sonnybelfast |May 06, 2011 at 01:08 PM

Too bad the Laker's can't play LO's FAT cow of a wife. She'd be good at clogging up the lane on defense.

Posted by:Just sayin' |May 06, 2011 at 01:11 PM

Do or die tonight, can't wait to see the BIG lineup, should be interesting. Time to step up or go to the beach.

Posted by:MikeG-Man |May 06, 2011 at 01:13 PM

I think Steve will have a good game. If only after last game- it can't get any worse for him.

Posted by:Bummi |May 06, 2011 at 01:14 PM

Laker fan forever but this is not this team's year. They do not have the testicular fortitude to win a third championship.

Wish they could turn it around but I've watched too many games over the years to know they are just too old in some positions, too young in others, and Kobe is too beat up.

Hopefully Mitch makes some smart moves ad can unload Artest somehow.

Posted by:SicknTired |May 06, 2011 at 01:15 PM

Game One: Artest 1-8 FG

Game Two: 1-17 3-Pointers

As long as we don't have a player or strategy that completely and catastrophically breaks down on offense, we should be fine.

What do we play for? RINGS!!!

Lakers Today... Lakers Tomorrow... Lakers Forever.


Posted by:Jon K. |May 06, 2011 at 01:16 PM

In related news, it appears Phil is actually making some real coaching moves in this series.

Posted by: LakersFanInExile | May 06, 2011 at 12:44 PM
No, Phil didn't do anything. Artest's suspension forced Phil to change the starting lineup. Just like Walton did a couple seasons back.

Posted by:Magia32 |May 06, 2011 at 01:16 PM

Fatty - Who can't wait to see the look on Cuban's face when his boys go down tonight.

Posted by: Fatty

Fatty - sign me up for front row on this! I so would throw a pie in that loosers face when their team looses at home tonight and on Sunday!! so I call front row on this!!
sign me up for "Cubans crying face" bus lol

Posted by:LALakerz213 |May 06, 2011 at 01:19 PM

Here’s hoping the Phil gives the Drew/Pau/Lamar front court lineup a better chance to work than the 3 minutes total he gave the lineup during the regular season. Here’s also hoping that the Lakers focus on pounding the ball inside to Drew and Lamar. And here’s hoping that Kobe stops playing on the perimeter and instead decides to post up also. One of the real strengths this team has over every other team in the league is multiple players who can post up and have back-to-the-basket moves. Points in the paint should be the primary objective of every player on this team.
I am also really thrilled that Phil gave the Triple Towers lineup the bulk of time in practice. I had been very disappointed to hear that Shannon was going to start with Kobe at small forward. To me, that would have signaled Phil blinking and deciding to go small to matchup with the Mavs rather than forcing them to matchup against our bigger team. It’s not just about size; it’s about talented size. With Drew, Pau, and Lamar on the court at the same time, the Lakers need to punish the Mavs in the paint at both ends. This could be an opportunity for the Lakers to unleash a new weapon.

Posted by:LakerTom |May 06, 2011 at 01:24 PM


Posted by:Jell-O is Jiggling |May 06, 2011 at 01:34 PM

Just say NO to Brown!

Excited to see the results!!!!!

Posted by:NBA4ever |May 06, 2011 at 01:37 PM

I'm not sold on this line up but we will see.
Who will come off the bench for LO, Pau or Bynum?
Barnes and Luke or Brown with Kobe sliding over.
If they can't hit any shots from outside it's still going to be a long night.

Posted by:Art |May 06, 2011 at 01:38 PM

I think you're going to see some new looks tonight from the Lakers.

This could give the Mavs fits.
We already know what to expect from the Mavs. They aren't likely to change a whole lot since what they've been doing has been destroying the Lakers.

So that's my hope - that our new unique looks confuse the opponent

Posted by:Tim-4-Show |May 06, 2011 at 01:41 PM

So it basically LOOKS like one of the two proposed line-ups I listed yesterday and in the previous thread???

Or if it's both UPS and LO starting, that means Pau is coming off the bench.

That wouldn't really help the guy's confidence

Posted by:Tim-4-Show |May 06, 2011 at 01:44 PM

The last time the Triple Tower configuration actually started a game was on Feb 06, 2010 against Portland:

Kobe was injured at that time and LO started in his place.

It was not very successful. Andre Miller kept pushing the pace and not allow the defense to set. By early 2Q, Portland had taken a 10-point lead and PJ was forced to return to the more traditional Twin Tower configuration and eventually won the game. The Triple Tower configuration never started again after that experiment.

If the Dallas coaching staff had done their homework, they would have scouted that Portland game. Look to Kidd to push the pace if the Triple Tower configuration is starting.

Posted by:The Snake |May 06, 2011 at 01:46 PM

Dude...I know most of you lakerholics have that knot in your stomach. Like something BAD is about to happen, like you just got punch in the STONE'S. You fall down on your knees and roll into that fetal position clutching your jewels. Asking GOD ....why, why, why did this have to happen to my mighty Lakers, and GOD responds "Why not you Bozo, I've had your team in the finals the past 3 years. And gave you 2 championships that you really didn't earn, without the help of my zebras. And how do your team show their appreciations for theses blessings.....They refuse to play the chosen one. That's right the chosen one LUKE !!!!! yes LUKE. Until the Lakers give the chosen one minutes there will be NO CHAMPIONSHIPS this year. I have spoken, Dude...I think I to put down the pipe. HEAT in 4

Posted by:G.Money |May 06, 2011 at 01:58 PM

i too have always wanted to see this lineup on the floor. i posted just before the playoffs if we could indeed see, bynum, gasol and odom in the front court. L.A. NEEDS to take advantage of this lineup. there's no one on dallas that can stay with L.O. if he decides to put the ball on the floor and take it to the rack. that being said, this threesome will probably log a lot of minutes tonight. i'm curious and nervous about what Lakers team will show up tonight? last year in the nba finals we came back to L.A. down 3 - 2, then won two in a row. this team is capable of that too! afterall, L.A. did have the 2nd best road record of 27 - 14. i'm nervous in arizona, ha ha

Posted by:Lakeshowinphx |May 06, 2011 at 01:59 PM

The rumor on the radio is Gasol's girlfriend broke up with him because one Lakers player's wife talked to her about something. I hope it's not the issue which Bynum talked about "trust issues" few days ago.
This Lakers team has coaching ,and personal problems.

Posted by:bluesky |May 06, 2011 at 01:59 PM

@Fatty- True, Phil had to change the starting lineup because Artest was out. As much as I sometimes appreciate Artest's defensive presence (and his role in the NO series was key) he is so erratic on offense as to be a negative factor. The key, though, is the possibility that Phil might be taking the risk of putting in the triple towers lineup as opposed to taking the conventional approach of starting Barnes, Brown, or Walton. As far as the Laker's offensive woes have gone, Barnes and Brown don't seem to be major improvements over Artest- they haven't been shooting well either (though the athleticism of Brown and the activity level of Barnes can be pluses). Putting Odom in the lineup might change that. Odom has been hitting threes at a high level this season. His recent misses in the postseason as part of the bench can be attributed (in part) to the defenses keying in on him as the primary offensive and shooting threat of that bench group.

Simply put, on the defensive end you have three legitimate shotblockers to cover each other's men and protect the paint. On the offensive side, I like Odom taking wide-open threes more than I like Artest- Odom has been shooting well this season, and I expect him to hit those shots even when he takes them while loosely guarded five feet behind the line.

That old saying attributed to the Chinese (the same character in Chinese for "crisis" also means "opportunity"), though false, applies here. Benching Artest from the starting lineup would have hurt morale, but his suspension brings an opportunity to start Odom (or even Brown/Barnes with their quickness and energy level).

Posted by:LakersFanInExile |May 06, 2011 at 02:05 PM

"Our bench better step up tonight, big time.

This jacking up threes from the outside crap has to end NOW!


Posted by: Jon K. | May 06, 2011 at 12:45 PM

YES! I cringe every 3 that is jacked up when we have lanes to post or open on the weak side. Well, I got the black 'got rings' w/ We Do and 16 chips on back T from my son, so I'm wearing it under my suit tonight to represent, if only virtually (watching the DVR version later ONLY if we win or some Laker (like it would be anybody but goes off for 40+ points.)

@LRob: (from one of your posts a day ago or so in response to mine) Agreed that Kobe has some issues in some games and my wife can tell you she hears me screaming at him when he does one of those brain freeze moves this year (one of the reasons I am forced to watch DVR versions until/if Lakers right the ship - she actually likes having me around after the season!). But overall, I love watching his work against all odds and still achieving the majority of the time.

Posted by:NuggetsCountry |May 06, 2011 at 02:06 PM

i'd like p.j. to use trey johnson tonight. blake is just not cut out for the pressure that comes with being in the playoffs. could he have had any better looks than the five shots he missed the other day? the answer in NO! he's a choker. let trey come in and show what he can do!

Posted by:Lakeshowinphx |May 06, 2011 at 02:07 PM

how about some roll call?

where are is the lakers in 6 bus??

LEWSTERS?? lets see the bus's roll

Posted by:LALakerz213 |May 06, 2011 at 02:31 PM

The bench has already been invisible. Time for the starters to sack-up and play 42 minutes.

Posted by:paddyoski |May 06, 2011 at 03:47 PM

Marc should suit up for Pau LOL... Sure, the Lakers can point fingers in almost every direction. But the bottom line is that Pau Gasol plays the biggest role outside of Kobe Bryant. He plays well, and the Lakers could be up 2-0. It may sound like Gasol’s being made a scapegoat. In reality, he’s being held accountable.

Posted by:ballafanatic |May 06, 2011 at 03:53 PM

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Main Features of Registry Clean Expert: 
• Scan Windows registry and find incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. 
• Fix the obsolete information in Windows registry with this Registry Cleaner and boost your Windows performance. 
• Make backups for Windows Registry. 
• Restore Windows Registry from previous backup. 
• Manage the programs started when Windows starts up with the Startup Organizer. 
• Manage the IE BHOs with BHO organizer. 
• Remove Spyware, Adware and Trojan hidden in your startup items and BHOs. 
• A user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to use Registry Clean Expert. 

Supports registry defrag/compact, privacy protection and auto update feature.

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A-PDF Word to PDF 5.2

A-PDF Word to PDF 5.2 | 5.54 Mb
A-PDF Word to PDF is a fast, affordable utility to allow you to batch convert Microsoft Word 2000, 2003, 2007 documents into professional-quality documents in the PDF file format. Supports files format: .docx, .doc, .rtf, .txt, .wri, etc. Support hot directory monitor.
Why A-PDF Word to PDF 

Easy to use 
Converting Microsoft Word documents into PDF files couldn't be easier.
Convert one File: Right-click Word (.doc) file and select "Convert to PDF" from the pop-up menu.
Convert a batch of Files: Simply Drag the Word(.doc) files you want to convert to the file list and click the "Convert to PDF And Save as" button. A-PDF Word to PDF quickly re-creates your .doc files as fully-formatted PDF files.

You will be amazed at the results you get from Word to PDF Converter. It accurately retains the layout of the original .doc file. It converts text in over 100 languages, and separates graphics from tables and text.

Create Bookmark
You can create PDF from Microsoft Word files (*.doc) with bookmarks using A-PDF Word to PDF. 

Create PDF file to an N-up Page Layout
Create PDF file with simple N-up imposition and foldable booklet (4:1 2:3 ...) imposition.

Combine and Merge Multiple WORD Documents into single PDF
Create single PDF file from Multiple WORD Documents with merge method 

Work with Hot Directories
You can set up a monitored directory, where all MS Word Documents written to that directory will be converted to PDF as they are saved. All of the converting will be recorded in log files.

Add Security, Watermark, Metadata to converted PDF
you can add security, watermark, metadata, viewer properties, page number and more to the resultant PDF files.

Save Money
A-PDF Word to PDF is a standalone program costing only $39. It does NOT require Adobe Acrobat Pro, which costs hundreds of dollars.

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Pointstone System Cleaner

Pointstone System Cleaner | 4.31 MB
System Cleaner™ is a tool for restoring hard-drive space, cleaning up the history of your activities on your computer and keeping your system running like new. The program allows you to clean your drives from unnecessary and temporary files, including your browser cache, cookies, history, recent document list, temporary files, errant uninstall entries and more. It targets more than 100 file extensions, which enable it to scan and recognize most of the unnecessary files on your computer. You can choose to delete the files to the recycle bin or to a specified backup folder. In addition, System Cleaner includes a Windows Startup manager and also allows you to remove invalid uninstaller information from theregistry as well as a restore wizard to undo the changes if needed.
Key Features:
• Restores your hard drive's performance, hard-drive space and protect your privacy by cleaning Internet history, cache, temporary files, Windows temp files, recent document list, find history, run history, *.CHK files, the recycle bin, additional garbage and much, much more.
• Scans dead shortcuts from your Start menu and Desktop. If it finds any shortcuts that point to files that do not exist, it will list them for you.
• Lets you delete or disable entries that automatically start on Windows startup. This pulls all entries from your Start Menu-Programs-Startup folder as well as from the registry.
• Define your own user defined items to remove (specified files or folders).
• Backup files to a ZIP file or proprietary file format. You can later restore individual files using the "Restore Wizard".
• Clean Directories and Internet Cache Files. Allows you to clean directories that usually have Temporary Files or cache files (Windows Temp Directory, Documents Folder, MS Internet Explorer Cache Directory and Netscape Cache Directory).
• Powerful file search. You can select to scan for files between a certain date, with some or all file attributes, with a certain size or with the contents of a file matching a user-defined text string.
• Remove files to Recycle Bin, zip them, move them to a folder or completely delete them!
• Scans multiple hard drives.
• Fixes system errors that slow your PC down and cause it to crash
• Speeds up your PC's execution of software programs
• Removes space-wasting temporary files and other unnecessary disk clutter
• Tunes up and optimizes the Windows Registry
• Erases all evidence of your computer and internet activity
• Makes your PC boot faster
• Makes your PC shutdown faster
• Fine-tunes all important Windows settings

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FortKnox Personal Firewall 6.0.705.0

FortKnox Personal Firewall 6.0.705.0 | 5.23 MB
FortKnox Personal Firewall is an easy to use personal firewall that allows you to protect a PC against hacker attacks, trojans, spyware and internet threats. It gives user complete overview of all inbound and outbound network communication. Furthermore, FortKnox Personal Firewallcomes with integrated Intrusion Prevention System and SPI technologies that will ensure enhanced user protection.
With application rules user can control how individual applications communicate over Internet. Users have option to setup extended rules that match their individual needs. With its intuitive interface it is suitable for both beginners and experienced users.


· Protects system from inbound in outbound attacks
· Traffic and packet logging
· Statefull package inspection
· Integrated Intrusion Prevention System
· All system connections overview
· Advanced rules for experienced users
· Anti-spoofing technologies
· File and printer sharing settings
· User-friendly graphics interface
· Automatic database updates
· Site Control System with ability to block individual web sites
· Ad blocking
· Referer blocking
· ActiveX blocking
· Cookies blocking
· Simple configuration
· Skin support
· Language support

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Softany WinCHM 4.18

Softany WinCHM 4.18 | 4.4 Mb

WinCHM is a very easy-to-use and powerful help authoring tool. Not needing to learn hard, you can be master of creating professional and good looking HTML help(CHM), Web help, PDF manual and Word documents.
Key features:

1. Template support - Make uniform style html help file very easily.
2. Full-function web help creation. (Contents, Index, Search and
3. Integrated full-function WYSIWYG html editor. No external word
processor needed.
4. Read from existing chm files.
5. Improt html files to quickly create table of contents.
6. Super table of contents hierarchy editor.
7. Support Multi-select moving, changing icon.
8. Visual CHM designer.

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ExtractNow 4.62 Portable

ExtractNow 4.62 Portable | 2.44 Mb
ExtractNow is a simple utility that allows you to extract multiple archives quickly and easily. ExtractNow is not a complete archival solution. It's main purpose it to allow the user to extract multiple archives easily.
Supports most major archive formats
Drag and drop files or folders from Windows Explorer to extract them
Simple user interface and sleek design in a small package
Recursively search through folders for archives (Just drag and drop them)
Delete files or close program after extraction options
Windows explorer file associations for all supported archive types
Extract files into current directory, named folder, or favorite folder of choice
System tray icon on Minimize and Always on top features
Integrates with Windows Explorer via special context menu items

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Video Enhancer 1.9.6 Portable

Video Enhancer 1.9.6 Portable | 5.36 MB
Video Enhancer implements super-resolution approach allowing you to increase resolution of your video with maximum quality (you can convert your SD video to good looking HD!), use over 200 VirtualDub filters (remove noise, deinterlace, stabilize shaky video, fix brightness, perform color correction and many more) and re-compress processed video with any codec.
Infognition Video Enhancer allows you to:
Increase resolution of your video with video Super Resolution technique, where each frame is upsized using information from a number of neighbor frames to extract maximum details for outstanding results. All the other resize algorithms use information from one current frame only. Now you can convert low res standard definition (SD) video to high definition (HD) quality!
Use more than 220 VirtualDub filters for powerful and flexible video editing: deinterlacing, denoising, deblocking, color correction, stabilizing, sharpening, visual effects etc. On multiprocessor systems, dual core or hyperthreading CPUs, Video Enhancer performs much faster than VirtualDub because all filters, decoders and coders work in separate threads, simultaneously.
Open any video which can be played in your system and re-compress it with any video codec (DirectShow, DMO and Video for Windows) installed in your system.
With Video Enhancer you can perform all these tasks together or just some of them.

User interface in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese (euro and Brazilian), Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Greek and Turkish.

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